Porphyria refers to a group of disorders that result from a build-up of natural chemicals that produce porphyrin in your body. Porphyrins are essential for the function of hemoglobin — a protein in your red blood cells that links to porphyrin binds to iron and carries oxygen to your organs and tissues. High levels of porphyrins can cause significant problems.
There are two general categories of porphyria: acute, which mainly affects the nervous system, and cutaneous, which mainly affects the skin. Some types of porphyria have both nervous system symptoms and skin symptoms.
Signs and symptoms of porphyria vary, depending on the specific type and severity. Porphyria is usually inherited — one or both parents pass along an abnormal gene to their child.
Signs and symptoms of acute porphyria may include:
Severe abdominal pain
– Pain in your chest, legs, or back
– Constipation or diarrhoea
– Nausea and vomiting
– Muscle pain, tingling, numbness, weakness, or paralysis
– Red or brown urine
– Mental changes, such as anxiety, confusion, hallucinations, disorientation, or paranoia
– Breathing problems
– Urination problems
– Rapid or irregular heartbeats you can feel (palpitations)
– High blood pressure
– Seizures
Cutaneous porphyrias
Cutaneous porphyrias include forms of the disease that cause skin symptoms as a result of sensitivity to sunlight, but these forms don’t usually affect your nervous system. Porphyria cutanea tarda (PCT) is the most common type of all porphyria’s.
As a result of sun exposure, you may experience:
– Sensitivity to the sun and sometimes artificial light, causing burning pain
– Sudden painful skin redness (erythema) and swelling (edema)
– Blisters on exposed skin, usually the hands, arms, and face
– Fragile thin skin with changes in skin color (pigment)
– Itching
– Excessive hair growth in affected areas
– Red or brown urine
Apply 10 drops, DNA Protector over the spine, once a day and also drink one capsule, DNA protector once a day.
Treat symptoms with Frankincense and Myrrh Blend by topically applying over sensitive skin.
Also, refer to the Sore Muscles and Massage Blend and apply, when needed.
Diffuse (see below) Trauma Blend (for diffuser) and Depression / Anxiety Blend (for diffuser), as needed.
Diffuse 2-3 drops of each oil; maximum 10-12 drops in total, at a time, unless otherwise advised.
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