Restoring of the DNA of the Bride


Brain Tumour and Skin (face) Cancer


My father has been using the hadassah cancer protocol for just over a month and my goodness what a difference! His life force and intuition have amplified and he has naturally gravitated towards the foods his body requires and away from those it does not. He has stopped with his morphine treatments for 3 weeks already and does not have pain . He has an aggressive form of cancer which seems to be slowing in its progression and with continued use of the protocol I have faith that his original blueprint and healing will be restored. His tumor has shrunk half its size since starting. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for making these products available and helping so many.
Suggested protocol:
1 Capsule (90’s/150’s) daily, each:
1 teaspoon MZN (150g/450g), twice daily
Anti-Cancer herbal capsules, 2, three times daily.
Lymph herbal tincture, spray 3 times daily in the mouth.
Lymph herbal capsules, 2, three times daily.
Spinal Therapy, 30 drops over the spine in the evening.
Detox Tea herbal, 2 cups daily.
Skin Cancer (100ml/250ml)herbal cream.
Apply the Pain and Arthritis herbal cream (100ml/250ml) over pain area.



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The Courier Guy

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