Benign prostate enlargement (BPE), also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), is a condition that affects older men.
It’s particularly common in men over 50 years of age and isn’t usually a serious threat to health.
Age-associated prostate gland enlargement that can cause urination difficulty. This type of prostate enlargement isn’t thought to be a precursor to prostate cancer.
With this condition, the urinary stream may be weak or stop and start. In some cases, it can lead to infection, bladder stones and reduced kidney function.
Requires a medical diagnosis.
With this condition, the urinary stream may be weak or stop and start. In some cases, it can lead to infection, bladder stones and reduced kidney function.
People may experience:
Urinary dribbling after urination, excessive urination at night, frequent urination, sense of incomplete bladder emptying, urge to urinate and leaking, or weak urinary stream. Also common, incontinence or sexual dysfunction.
The prostate produces a thick, white fluid that’s made into a thinner liquid by a protein called prostate-specific antigen (PSA). The liquid is then mixed with sperm, produced by the testicles, to create semen.
If the prostate becomes enlarged, it can place pressure on the bladder and urethra (the tube through which urine passes). This can affect how you pass urine and may cause:
In some men, the symptoms are mild and don’t require treatment. In others, the symptoms can be very troublesome and have a major impact on a person’s quality of life.
Drink 1 capsule 90’s 150’s, once a day, of each of the following, after a snack or meal:
Prostate Blend, in the morning
DNA Protector, in the evening
If bladder infection is present, drink 1 capsule Kidney / Bladder Blend in the afternoon.
Apply Men’s Hormone Balance Blend topically, over the lower stomach, once a day.
In addition:
For bladder or related symptoms, apply 5 drops of the Bladder Support Blend, over the bladder area topically, once a day.
Drink 1 teaspoon, MZN 150g 450g, once a day; swallow the MZN, as you would swallow yogurt.
From the healing herbal range, drink 1-2 capsules, of each of the following, twice a day:
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