Since the age of 7 years, I’ve been suffering from absence seizures. Constant headaches, nausea, anxiety, panic from the auras, memory difficulties, and disorientation. Because my absence of seizures didn’t include any convulsions or jerking, my condition was confused and misdiagnosed with migraine attacks and daydreaming.
As I got older the childhood absence seizures died down and for a few years, I didn’t experience any seizure symptoms. When puberty kicked in I suddenly experienced this nagging, deep unexplainable depression and constant fatigue. That’s normal for teenagers to go through, right? I knew something was not normal, but yet again without the “typical” symptoms of epilepsy, no one took me seriously.
I studied Musical Theatre in Cape Town and learning, teaching and rehearsal schedules were ridiculous. Most days were 10-14 hours long from Monday to Saturday and stress levels went through the roof. Yet again I developed unbearable depression and experienced aura-like symptoms while I was sleeping. At the time I didn’t know it was epilepsy, but I experienced nocturnal partial complex seizures up to 5 times consecutively every night.
Finally, in 2017 after living with epilepsy for 14 years I’ve been accurately diagnosed after falling asleep on the sofa and my father seeing me convulse and being unresponsive.
I’m still battling with seizures today, but since using the Depression and Anxiety Blend in a diffuser every night before going to bed and inhaling 2 drops every morning and evening my nocturnal seizures and warning symptoms have almost stopped completely. I’m still currently on anti-epileptic medication, but I truly hope that one day I can go on without any conventional drugs and just use the natural oils.
I couldn’t be more thankful for Lechi’s Hadassah oils that have changed my life and quality of life.