R95.00 Incl. VAT


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As you inhale through the inhaler, the volatile molecules of the essential oil are released into your respiratory system, where they can interact with receptors in your nasal passages, lungs, and brain. This results in these molecules to be absorbed into the limbic system of the brain and travel through the central nervous system and also into the circulatory system.

Peppermint (Mentha piperita)

Active Components: Menthol, menthone

Mechanism: Peppermint essential oil provides a calming and numbing effect on the stomach muscles, reducing spasms that cause nausea. It also stimulates bile flow, enhancing digestion.
Benefits: Alleviates nausea and improves digestion, particularly useful for indigestion and travel sickness.

As you inhale through the inhaler, the volatile molecules of the essential oil are released into your respiratory system, where they can interact with receptors in your nasal passages, lungs, and brain. This results in these molecules to be absorbed into the limbic system of the brain and travel through the central nervous system and also into the circulatory system.

Peppermint (Mentha piperita)

Active Components: Menthol, menthone

Mechanism: Peppermint essential oil provides a calming and numbing effect on the stomach muscles, reducing spasms that cause nausea. It also stimulates bile flow, enhancing digestion.
Benefits: Alleviates nausea and improves digestion, particularly useful for indigestion and travel sickness.


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