Restoring of the DNA of the Bride

Discover the Miracle of Lifeblood


Discover the Miracle of Lifeblood

What does Lifeblood mean?

If I were to ask you what “life” means, most of you would be able to tell me that it means something along the line of the condition that differentiates animals and plants from inorganic matter. Or that when something can grow, reproduce, participates in activity, and die, it has life. The same goes for “blood”. You would probably describe blood as a constantly circulating red fluid that provides the body with nutrition, oxygen, and acts as the body’s waste remover. But what does lifeblood mean?

Lifeblood is defined as the essential factor necessary to give something its strength and liveliness. “For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the slaughter-place to make atonement for your lives, for it is the blood that makes atonement for the life.” – Leviticus 17:11.

Blood has a voice in the Spirit. This is evident in Genesis 4:10 where YHVH/God tells Cain that Abel’s blood cries out to Him from the ground. Lifeblood has authority in the spiritual realm, because of this exact characteristic – it has a voice. It is important to note that lifeblood pours out once something is wounded or killed.

That being said, we can also say that Yahshua/Jesus is the lifeblood of the entire Scripture. “Because in Him were created all that are in the heavens and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or rulerships or principalities or authorities – all have been created through Him and for Him.” – Colossians 1:16. The essence of lifeblood is frequency. By the words of YHVH/God, everything was created. By the frequency of the sounds that were sent into the physical realm, everything we know came to be.

“In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of trespasses, according to the riches of His favour;” – Ephesians 1:7. Because of His blood, we have access to eternal life. Yahshua/Jesus is the One without spot or blemish who humbly entered the world to serve. He had committed no sin and had a pure bloodline. He came by water and by blood and the Spirit of Truth bore witness. “Because there are three who bear witness: the Spirit, and the water, and the blood. And the three are in agreement.” These three have a voice and testifies in Heavenly places.

Lifeblood and Fuel

The lifeblood of organic matter and the fuel of organic matter are two totally different concepts. Though it sounds as if it should have similar meanings, lifeblood and fuel are complete opposites. Fuel refers to what is needed to produce lifeblood.

What is the Lifeblood of the Body?

To reflect a bit on what was mentioned above, when asking “What is the lifeblood of the body?”, we could easily change the question to “What is responsible for giving the body strength and liveliness?” When flesh is pierced or wounded, the lifeblood will be evident, meaning that the answer simply is, blood.

Blood is transported through the body by the pump action of the heart. It flows through a pipe network called the circulatory system, consisting of arteries, veins and capillary vessels. This way, blood continuously reaches the heart, lungs and body tissue. For a body to produce healthy blood, it is important for it to receive the correct fuel. Examples include fresh and organic food, clean water, oxygen, exercise etc.

Human Lifeblood

Likewise, lifeblood has to be spiritually cleansed and fueled by purity. We should be sensitive and vigilant with what we expose ourselves to. Our physical senses are directly connected to our spiritual senses. This is why everything we see, listen to, smell, taste and feel should be filtered by the the Father. The Set Apart Spirit (Holy Spirit) within us should teach us discernment. If the life in the blood is not pure, the lifeblood will be defiled, meaning that the authority of its voice will be decreased and softened.

As Sons of Abraham and Sons of YHVH/God, we are seated in heavenly places (Ephesians 2:6). We are seated in heavenly places because we have lifeblood and lifeblood has a voice.

“But the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, that shines ever brighter unto the perfect day. The way of the wrong is like darkness; they do not know at what they stumble. My son, listen to my words; incline your ear to my sayings. Let them not depart from your eyes; guard them in the midst of your heart; for they are life to those who find them, and healing to all their flesh. – Proverbs 4:18-22. The human heart is the source of our lifeblood, good or evil, life giving or life taking (Luke 6:45). To produce pure lifeblood, we must live a life of obedience, breathed by YHVH/God and filtered by Yahshua Messiah/Jesus Christ.

What are the 3 types of blood?

Blood, as described earlier, provides the body with nutrition, oxygen and removes waste. What are the 3 types of blood and how do they contribute to the greater function of blood in the body?The greatest part of blood is made up by a liquid called plasma. This liquid’s consistency is slightly thicker than water and acts as a vehicle for glucose, proteins and different cells and nutrients. Although it doesn’t seem as if there are more to blood than the liquid it holds, microscopically and functionally, it proves differently. What is blood made of entirely, you may ask…

There are 3 types of blood cells:

The Lifeblood of a Plant

Let us look at the fuel plants need to produce lifeblood before we find out what the lifeblood of a plant is. Plants need multiple things to grow optimally, including water from a pure source, sunlight and fertile soil rich in nutrients and minerals for the plant to absorb. Up until now, most people are familiar with the growth process of a plant. However, many people are unfamiliar with what gives a plant its strength and liveliness.

When plant material is pierced, wounded or torn, there will be discharge. The discharge differs amongst plant species. Some plants, like Frankincense and Myrrh trees discharge a thick gum, while plants like Peppermint and Lavender will discharge an oil with a water-like texture. What is interesting about plant discharge, is that the simplest form thereof will always be oil, the blood of the plant. Similar to blood in the body, the lifeblood of the plant is transported through plant tissue via the veins.


Frankincense and Myrrh

Every plant that grows from the earth, will naturally produce lifeblood. Trees of Frankincense and Myrrh have a very extensive growth period to reach full maturity. Both trees grow optimally in desert areas, which symbolically proves that time in the desert is necessary to produce maturity.

Frankincense will reach maturity at 40 years of age. After 40 years the tree will be pierced and a white gum (resin) will pour out. The Hebrew word for Frankincense is lebonah, which means white. If Frankincense is harvested and the resin is not a white substance, it is an adulterated specie of the tree.

Frankincense is symbolic of the Bride of Messiah. A Frankincense tree reaches maturity after 40 years of growing in the desert, just like Israel spent 40 years in the desert before they entered the Promised Land. “In order to present it to Himself a splendid assembly, not having spot or wrinkle or any of this sort, but that it might be set-apart and blameless.” We, as the Bride of Messiah, have to be matured into a loving relationship with Him so that we may stand before Him washed white, without spot or blemish.

Myrrh has a similar harvesting process. It grows for 30 years before the resin is harvested for the first time. After 30 years, the tree is whipped until it bleeds with a dark red substance. Just like Frankincense, if the colour of the resin is not dark red, it is an adulterated specie of the tree.

Myrrh is symbolic of Yahshua/Jesus in many ways. A Myrrh tree reaches maturity at 30 years of age, just as Messiah’s ministry started when He was 30 years old. At this age, He was fully matured into His calling. The Myrrh tree is whipped until it bleeds and the discharge has countless healing properties. Likewise, Messiah was whipped before He was nailed to the tree and he bled, gifting us with healing, redemption and forgiveness through His blood. Myrrh symbolises the blood of Yahshua/Jesus. 

Essential Oils as Medicine

For background, it is important to understand some basic physiology. Let us start from the top and zoom in as we understand more about the subject. As most of you may know, your skin is the biggest organ in your body. The skin is our first line of defense against infections, injury and toxins. Taking a closer look, it consists of three layers, all to protect the muscles, bones, nerves, etc. underneath:

Now, let’s zoom in even more. The skin, just like the rest of the body, is made up of microscopic parts called cells. These cells are lipophilic and hydrophobic of nature, meaning that they attract fatty molecules and repel water molecules. Why is this important?

Oil molecules are known as lipids, natural triacylglycerols. They are hydrophobic and nanoscopic with an estimated size of 2 x 10-7 cm (0,000002 cm). Because of the lipidic nature of oil molecules, they effectively pass through the lipophilic body cells and sink into the bones. This is proven in Psalm 109:18: “So let it enter his inward parts like water, into his bones and like oil.”

In the bones, oil cultivates health by restoring the condition of the blood, because red blood cells are formed in the red bone marrow of bones. When your bones are healthy, you will produce healthy red blood cells, meaning that you produce fruitful lifeblood. Once your bones are healthy, your whole body will be healthy. “A rejoicing heart causes good healing, But a stricken spirit dries the bones.” – Proverbs 17:22.

In Scripture, people were directed to use essential oils as medicine. James 5:14 says, “Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the assembly, and let them pray over him, having anointed him with oil in the Name of the Master.” Mark 6:13 says, “And they were casting out many demons, and they were anointing with oil many who were sick, and they were healing them.”

It was a common use among the people of that time to anoint the sick with oil and they were healed. Why do we miss this when we read Scripture? Why is it that the world could condition us away from this crucial Scriptural principle? Why are we comfortable with it that way?

In the lifeblood of plants, is found the chemically perfected composition of medicinal, fragrant and high frequency essential oil molecules. A single drop of lifeblood contains 40 million-trillion molecules (4 with 19 zeros). Each one of these molecules are carefully designed and programmed by the Father to help restore the body as the tabernacle and dwelling place of Messiah it was created to be.

Just like there is a spectrum of light, sound, colours, frequency and Hebrew letters, there is a spectrum of essential oils. This spectrum tells a story about different molecules working synergistically in healing the body as a whole. Different oils have different molecular structures and compositions giving them different functions and targets in the healing of the body. This is why Lavender works well on burn wounds and Oregano kills bacteria effectively.

Distillation of Essential Oils

There are many ways to extract the lifeblood from plants, but the most popular method is using steam for the distillation of essential oils. The process proceeds as follows:

  1. Plant material is added to a stainless steel container called a Still.
  2. An inlet in the Still allows steam to enter. It moves through the plant material, causing it to release fragrant molecules and turning them into vapor.
  3. The vaporised molecules travel to a flask called the Condenser. In the Condenser there are two pipes. One makes it possible for hot water to exit and the other makes it possible for cold water to enter. This causes the vaporised molecules to cool down enough to form a liquid.
  4. The fragrant liquid drips into a receptacle called the Separator. Oil and water does not mix, so depending on the weight of the essential oil, it will either float on top of the water (like Cedarwood) or sink to the bottom (like Clove).
  5. Hereafter, the lifeblood will be siphoned off.

Because the weight of essential oils vary quite a deal, for context, here are some examples of how much plant material is needed to produce 1kg of pure essential oil:

Adulterated Lifeblood

The greatest deception in the world of essential oils, is that any and all essential oils you can buy in a store, will be a pure and organic oil. This is not true. Numerous oils on the shelves have an adulterated lifeblood or no lifeblood at all.

Some oils are not derived from distilled plant material and are synthetically manufactured in a laboratory. These oils have no lifeblood, no frequency and no voice, because lifeblood can never be man made. Other oils are acquired by the distillation of plant material, but the plant material in itself is adulterated. This means that the seed/plant was changed by exposure to some, if not all of the following: GMO seed, pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, synthetic soil, filthy water and artificial sunlight. These oils are seated on the earth, therefore it has no voice in Heavenly places.

A pure and organic essential oil with lifeblood, frequency and a voice, seated in heavenly places, is produced when organic plant material (non-GMO, no pesticides, no fertilizers, naturally healthy soil and clean water) is steam distilled.

Yahshua is the Lifeblood

Yahshua is the lifeblood of the entire Scripture, as we established earlier. By reading Scripture and especially Songs of Solomon, more and more of His character is being revealed.

“For fragrance your oils are good. Your name is oil poured forth, therefore the young women love you.” – Songs of Solomon 1:3. “My beloved is a bundle of myrrh to me, lying between my breasts.” – Songs of Solomon 1:13.

As the Bride of Messiah, we are His dwelling place. “A garden locked is my sister, my bride, a fountain locked, a spring sealed up. Your plants are an orchard of pomegranates with pleasant fruits, with henna, nard, nard and saffron, calamus and cinnamon, with all trees of frankincense, myrrh and aloes, with all the chief spices; A garden spring, a well of living waters, and streams from Lebanon. Awake, O north wind, and come, O south! Blow upon my garden, let its spices flow out. Let my beloved come to his garden And eat its pleasant fruits.” – Songs of Solomon 4:12-16.

In His garden, all the sacred spices are found, none are left out. Each one of them are uniquely designed by YHVH and holds an element of Yahshua’s character. In the first verse of Songs of Solomon 5, the Groom enters the garden and is pleased with it. The garden is complete.

Yahshua, as Son of YHVH, is seated in heavenly places. All the sacred herbs and spices in the garden are a part of Him because they are His. Yahshua is the lifeblood and all lifeblood flows out of Him (“…all have been created through Him and for Him.” – Colossians 1:16). Because of this, we can say that oils are also seated in heavenly places and that they are divinely programmed through Him.

All Scripture is quoted from The Scriptures, available online on E-Sword or can be ordered in hard copy from Qodesh Books.

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